Sep 13·edited Sep 13

I was raised Mormon, served a 2-year mission and tried very hard to be a "good Mormon boy" until all my doubts, criticisms, and discomfort finally caught up to me in my mid 20's and I graduated to ex-Mormon almost a decade ago. I haven't watched this show, but probably unsurprisingly you can draw a direct line from the messaging I received in the church around relationships, sexuality, and gender to how/why my interest in kink and BDSM manifests, and I'm always intrigued by non-Mormons' perceptions of Mormonism, so this article was a real delight to read!

If you would like some more fuel for your Mormon fascination fire, poke around /r/exmormon or check out some of the ex-Mormon podcasts and YouTube channels to get more of an unfiltered take on Mormonism. Mormon Stories is maybe the most prominent and has a huge backlog of interviews, you can search by episode theme on their website (https://www.mormonstories.org/our-top-episodes/), and they've got recent episodes discussing "The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives"! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I0-8AGBnLE)

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This is fantastic. I also scheduled it in my calendar to watch when it dropped

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